063: I am grateful for physics

Don’t mistake this for a post about mathematics. You will find no equations here; no long division; no cube roots; no measures of volume or mass. I am grateful for theoretical physics and how some new (but very old at the same time) ideas are making their way into the collective consciousness that ties science and spirituality together. I am interested in and fascinated by what makes the Universe, and ourselves, tick.

I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details. – Albert Einstein

The Universe works perfectly. Its laws are unfailing. Thanks to Physics we are beginning to understand it more and more.

What is physics?

Physics (Greek: physis – meaning “nature”) is a natural science; it is the study of matter and its motion through spacetime and all that derives from these, such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the world and universe behave. [source]

An idea that is becoming increasingly popular is that there is some kind of creative energy within everything in the Universe, even space itself is full of this energy. The energy is intelligent, we are within it and it is within us. Pretty much every spiritual master who ever walked the Earth taught this and now the science of Physics is finally catching up.

According to award winning physicist Nassim Haramein this is factual:

As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the “Holofractographic Universe.”

Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations. Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.

This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric [pdf download of his paper] (a new solution to Einstein’s Field Equations that incorporates torque and Coriolis effects) and his most recent paper The Schwarzschild Proton, lays down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in our current understandings of physics and consciousness. This groundbreaking theory has now been delivered to the scientific community through peer-reviewed papers and presentations at international physics conferences. Further, The Schwarzschild Proton paper has recently received the prestigious “Best Paper Award” in the field of physics, quantum mechanics, relativity, field theory, and gravitation at the University of Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference CASYS’09. [source]

Einstein sought the unified field theory doggedly for the last part of his life and never came up with an acceptable answer prior to his death. If what Nassim is proposing is fact, we are on the cusp of a revolutionary time that would possibly see the development of things like gravitational drives for spacecraft and the curing of disease and possible long term extension of life.

If you would like to learn more about Nassim’s theories you can listen to him on a wonderful episode of Kelly Howell’s Theater of the Mind podcast entitled, The Universe Within You from Tuesday, October 06, 2009 (download the 34.8mb mp3 file to listen). If you have iTunes you can subscribe to the podcast if you like.

It is mind-blowing stuff and worth the 37 minutes of your life to listen to. I am listening now for the third time.

Also recently relevant, some videos about physics using some recognizable names and faces from the world of science, notably the late Carl Sagan, have been making their way around the web. Here is “Our Place in the Cosmos”:

MP3: http://symphonyofscience.com or http://masonstreetgangstas.com/sos2 if my main site isn’t working!

“Our Place in the Cosmos”, the third video from the Symphony of Science, was crafted using samples from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, Richard Dawkins’ Genius of Charles Darwin series, Dawkins’ TED Talk, Stephen Hawking’s Universe series, Michio Kaku’s interview on Physics and aliens, plus added visuals from Baraka, Koyaanisqatsi, History Channel’s Universe series, and IMAX Cosmic Voyage. The themes present in this song are intended to explore our understanding of our origins within the universe, and to challenge the commonplace notion that humans have a superior or privleged position, both on our home planet and in the universe itself.

RIP Dr. Sagan and Dr. Jastrow!

For more science remixes, check out http://symphonyofscience.com

As always, view in HQ mode for better sound and visuals.




With every century
Our eyes on the universe have been opened anew
We are witness
To the very brink of time and space

[Robert Jastrow]
We must ask ourselves
We who are so proud of our accomplishments
What is our place in the cosmic perspective of life?

[Carl Sagan]
The exploration of the cosmos
Is a voyage of self discovery
As long as there have been humans
We have searched for our place in the cosmos

[Richard Dawkins]
Are there things about the universe
That will be forever beyond our grasp?
Are there things about the universe that are

One of the great revelations of space exploration
Is the image of the earth, finite and lonely
Bearing the entire human species
Through the oceans of space and time

Matter flows from place to place
And momentarily comes together to be you
Some people find that thought disturbing
I find the reality thrilling

As the ancient mythmakers knew
We’re children equally of the earth and the sky
In our tenure on this planet, we’ve accumulated
Dangerous evolutionary baggage

We’ve also acquired compassion for others,
Love for our children,
And a great soaring passionate intelligence
The clear tools for our continued survival

[Michio Kaku]
We could be in the middle
Of an inter-galactic conversation
And we wouldn’t even know

We’ve begun at last
To wonder about our origins
Star stuff contemplating the stars
Tracing that long path

Our obligation to survive and flourish
Is owed not just to ourselves
But also to that cosmos
Ancient and vast, from which we spring

Thinking about physics in this way makes my realize that my daily problems are absolutely petty. Big ideas are good, and interestingly, once you get your head around them, so simple and sensible.

Thank you physics!

Photo of "Grand Design" Galaxy by Hubble as seen on Flickr.